Easily propagate your pothos plant and grow more pothos plants!
It just takes a little patience but you can add to your plant collection by simply using leaves from your current plant.
You will need to cut some leaves from a pothos plant. I use this as an opportunity to cut a really long vine (which helps the plant stay full, particularly at the top around where it is planted). You would cut the vine just below a node, which is the hard rounded bump where the leaves meet the vine (shown in the first and second photo below). You would then cut the leaves from the vine on either side of the node, leaving a little bit of vine on each side of the node as pictured in the third photo.
Simply place these leaf cuttings in a container of water, with the node and vine-ends completely submerged in the water. Keep the container in a warm, bright place. I kept it on my windowsill.
You will leave the cuttings in water as long as it takes to grow 1-2 inch roots. This could take a few weeks. It is best to change out the water every 3 days, always making sure water is up to the level that covers the base of these cuttings. Sometimes that means adding water to the container occasionally.
Once the roots have grown to 1-2 inches, they are ready to plant! I like to use a specific potting soil mix that is well-draining, which has worked extremely well for all my plants.
Potting soil mix:
6 parts potting soil
2 parts peet moss
2 parts vermiculite
You will plant 4-5 of these rooted leaves in a pot, just like you would pot another plant, ensuring the root and node are under the soil. Water thoroughly once potted, usually until a little water runs out of the bottom of the pot. Going forward, you will water regularly once the soil is nearly dry.
I have a video of this process saved on my Instagram page @earthandhand.co under the "plants" highlight if you would like to see it!
My propagated pothos plants are some of my happiest and healthiest plants! Each of the pothos plants on my plant stand below came from the very clippings you saw at the top of this post.
If you haven't already, be sure to grab my Plant Lady downloadable plant care guide! Completely free and I'll give you all my tips on how to care for your indoor plants and make them thrive.
I've also linked my plant stand along with some favorite pots and other indoor plant supplies on this photo!
This guy's vine is hitting the floor! It may be time to trim and propagate again soon!
Good luck in your propagation and drop a comment here if you have any questions!