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30 Day Minimalist Challenge

Amanda Perry

30 easy practices to implement towards a more minimalist lifestyle.

There’s something so appealing about a minimalist lifestyle. It allows you to connect to a higher meaning in life and what is truly important. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about what you have, but about how you are living your life!

I aspire to live a minimalist lifestyle. But I want to explain what minimalism means to me and what steps I have started to take to reach it. Everyone is different and what works for me may not work for everyone. I’m still learning through constant research. And depending on what your ultimate goals are, this could be a slow process. And that’s also okay!

The first two goals and biggest ways to impact my journey to a minimalist lifestyle are to get rid of what I don’t need and only buy what I do need. This fit in perfectly with my desire to pay off the rest of my consumer credit card debt (SO dang close) and not accrue any more debt! Owning endless material possessions does not equate to our happiness.

I also started this year by reading ‘A Year of Less’ so I was fully committed to practicing a shopping ban for the year that really helped kick-start this process. That book was actually a real game changer for me. It just flipped a switch in my head. And all of the sudden I didn’t want so many material things and I didn’t want to always have the need to buy material things. So finding a source of information or someone else’s story can be a big help in finding the inspiration to take this journey on!

But really, I envisioned a life for myself closer to nature, not weighed down by stuff and the need to buy stuff. My husband and I have a goal to move into a tiny home and move around the country. Not sure if you know this, but you can't really have a lot of stuff when you move into a tiny home. So again, if I want to achieve that goal, I can’t buy things that don’t have a purpose. And more than that, I should really only get things that are multi-purpose and extremely useful, while also being space-friendly.

So you should take some time to think about how you envision your future. The best way to succeed at something is to attach a big goal or dream to the steps you are taking to make sure you know that the struggle (whatever that may be) is so worth it.

The first area that I’m really attacking when it comes to trimming down excess stuff would be non-essentials like fashion pieces and random stuff in my closet that I thought I would use to craft something amazing or just use at some point.

I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of a capsule wardrobe. But it’s kind of scary, I can’t be the only one who feels that way! As someone who has worked in retail for years and years, I’ve just become accustomed to updating and adding pieces to my wardrobe quite frequently. But as I go on, the more and more I feel like it’s just weight on my shoulders to have so much of this stuff. Have you ever thought that? If so, you are already taking first steps towards a minimalist lifestyle… committing mentally to the process!

I’m trying the whole flip the hanger backwards thing this year that I’ve heard about for years. And intended to try for years. So by new year 2021, we will see how that works! But honestly, I go through my closet every couple weeks and pull out a few more things that I realize I don’t need. I take clothes, shoes, and accessories that are still in great condition and sell them on resale apps. It’s a great way to make back some cash while also contributing to an earth-friendly marketplace; one where it doesn’t use energy and water to produce more items of clothing! (Crazy fact: it takes 2,700 liters of water to produce one cotton t-shirt) I recommend both Poshmark and Mercari for resale apps.

I will continue to share ways I am living more minimalistically, as well as how I am preparing to move into a tiny home! My husband and I will begin sharing videos with resources about the tiny home process over in ‘The Nomads Perry’ section of this site.

Here is a list of 30 things you can do to implement a more minimalist lifestyle. Add a new practice or tool each day and see how you feel after 30 days of new minimalist habits!

30 Day Minimalist Challenge

  1. Closet clean-out // use resale apps or find a local non-profit shelter

  2. Save some glass containers to reuse // glass jars can be so useful!

  3. Start a compost // you can use it to start a garden

  4. Use vegetable scraps to regrow a vegetable plant // like celery or an avocado pit

  5. Buy multi-use bulk supplies // like castile soap

  6. Buy reusable produce bags // those little plastic baggies aren't doing anything special but polluting

  7. Bring a reusable cup to your favorite coffee shop // reduces waste

  8. Get a library card and borrow books // umm, unlimited free books? yes, please

  9. Use cloths & less paper towels // reduces trash, saves you money

  10. Minimize food waste // buy only what you are for sure going to eat to save money and reduce waste

  11. Don’t wash your hair every day // does anyone need to be convinced of this? reduces water use and saves money on hair care!

  12. Use reusable shopping bags // reduces waste & pollution

  13. Learn how to DIY your own cleaner or personal product // saves money & usually reduces the chemicals you are putting on your body and in your home

  14. Get a houseplant to help purify your air // plants are also friends

  15. Donate items you don’t use often or duplicate items // reduces clutter

  16. Stop using single-use plastic bags & water bottles // reduces waste and pollution

  17. Shop thrift stores for clothing & furniture // shopping resale reduces the impact of manufacturing and saves you money

  18. Learn to sew to mend clothing // instead of replacing clothing, mend it

  19. Eat more whole foods // less packaging

  20. Use reusable makeup removing cloths // reduces waste

  21. Cook at home more // saves money & resources

  22. Manage time on social media & technology // helps reduce stress & anxiety

  23. De-clutter your living space // helps reduce stress

  24. Establish your personal priorities // saves you time and allows you to focus on your goals

  25. Find an activity you enjoy in nature // getting out in nature helps clear your mind & reduces stress

  26. Stop using artificial fragrances // they pollute the air and your lungs, as well as having additional negative health impacts

  27. Learn to make your favorite drink at home // learn to perfect your favorite coffee order (or any beverage!) to save you money

  28. Make your own greeting cards // makes the card more sentimental and saves you so much money!

  29. Only buy things that have a use // helps reduce clutter

  30. Reduce the number of personal products you use // cut down to one lotion or a few core pieces of makeup, etc.

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